Earth Rangers visit Westberry
By Joan Janzen
An Earth Rangers assembly was brought to the elementary students at Westberry School on Tuesday morning, November 14th. The two representatives from Earth Rangers held their young audience captive with an interactive program teaching them all about various animals in Canada.
During an Earth Rangers assembly at Westberry Elementary School, students enjoyed seeing a tortoise and armadillo, and learning all about animals and their unique super powers. PHOTOS BY JOAN JANZEN
The highlight of the assembly took place when a tortoise and an armadillo were brought out for the children to see. Each animal was fed a snack, while being displayed on the big screen so everyone could see them close up.
They informed the children about threats facing animals, while making them aware of unique super powers which animals possess. The children heard how animals adapt and thrive in their specific ecosystems, and the importance of biodiversity.
Short video clips, a presentation of science based information, and a competition between the two groups of students, resulted in the students being challenged on their knowledge of different types of animals. Thanks to the sponsorship of SaskEnergy, the presentation was cost free, with no fundraising required.