Eston Lions celebrate 75th anniversary
By Joan Janzen
The Eston Lions Club celebrated its 75th anniversary Saturday evening, October 22nd at Eston. Approximately 80 guests enjoyed a catered meal, followed by guest speakers.
Lion Eunice Cameron, a Past Council Chairperson, was first to speak. She is heavily involved with Lions Quest, which is her passion. Lions Quest Canada is the centre for positive youth development with an approach to promoting healthy well-being for youth.
Next, Rob Hill addressed the guests. As the current Global Action Team District Membership Coordinator, and the Multiple District 5 Lions Club International Foundation Chairperson, he spoke on membership.
District Governor Alvin Matechuk also gave a presentation. Like the other speakers, Alvin has served in many capacities, and continues to serve.
The club’s guest speaker, Past International Director, Marvin Chambers from Fillmore, Sask. spoke eloquently about the importance of Lions Clubs. He has received many awards during his Lion’s life, and holds the highest award given to a Lion, the Ambassador of Good Will.
The head table at the Eston Lions 75th anniversary celebration (L-R): Celeste Matechuk, District Governor Alvin Matechuk, Lion Freda Hill, GAT & LCIF District 5 SKS Rob Hill, Lion Lynn Chambers.
Rod Knight (centre) receives a 40-year chevron.
Lorne Johnson (centre) receives a 40-year chevron.
Bob Holmes (centre) receives a 45-year chevron.
Three members from the Rosetown club were also in attendance. Lion Ron Tessier explained that Rosetown had sponsored the Eston club when it was first founded 75 years ago. Although Ron has been a member for 33 years, he said, “We’ve got some guys that have been members for over 50 years.” Chevrons were presented during the evening, in recognition of long-term service.
Lion Marion Andrew received the Life Membership for her husband Lion Morris Andrew, who sadly passed away this summer. The International President’s Certificate of Appreciation went to Lion Ron Tessier. A 45-year chevron was awarded to Lion Bob Holmes. Forty-year chevrons went to treasurer, Lion Rod Knight, and Lion Lorne Johnson. A 25-year chevron was awarded to Rod Cummings.
Lion James Unrau won a 75th anniversary shirt, donated by the Richmound Lions Club. The 50/50 draw took in $630, and Lynn Chambers won the $315.
The Eston club currently has 28 members. “When I joined 33 years ago, we had 71 members,” Ron recalled. However there are a few new members who have joined more recently.
The club holds their regular meetings on the fourth Monday of each month in the basement of the Legion club room, as well as an executive/director meeting on the second Tuesday of each month, except for the months of July and August.
The local club conducts a trip of the month draw and has a small land project. They also help with kids tournaments in town, deliver Meals on Wheels, and donate funds to the swimming pool and complex. During the summer months, they lend out two barbecues on a trailer for a small fee.
The evening was an opportunity for the club to celebrate the many contributions the Lions Club has made in the community over the past 75 years.