Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery features local artist, Anna Polsfut
By Joan Janzen
During the months of November and December, the Kerrobert Courtroom Gallery will feature an exhibit by local artist, Anna Polsfut, from Kindersley. Anna will be at the gallery on November 3rd at 7:00 p.m. for the first day of the exhibit. “I’m looking forward to seeing everyone from the Kerrobert and Kindersley area,” Anna said.
Her show “Art & Soul” exhibits various pieces of her work made of multiple mediums such as photography, relief printmaking, drawing, and silkscreen printmaking. Every piece comes from Anna’s heart, which explains the title of her exhibit.
Anna Polsfut with her printing press used for relief printmaking.
Anna Polsfut in 2015 modeling her dress constructed of book pages
Many of her pieces feature the beauty of Saskatchewan, its nature, industries and crop lands. Whether it’s photography, graphic design, printmaking, sculptures or painting, Anna is passionate about creating elegant and sophisticated pieces.
Her favourite project was a dress she constructed completely of book pages, in which she invested between 20-30 hours of work in 2015. She was able to wear it to class at Medicine Hat College for critique, and the dress is now currently housed in the Medicine Hat College library.
Anna has 67 framed pieces stored in her basement that will be included in her display, as well as a couple of additional pieces. Her artistic works have been purchased by satisfied customers throughout Canada, ranging from Quebec and Ontario, to British Columbia and Alberta. She features her work on social media and at in person displays, as well as having a website, and belonging to an online gallery.
Throughout the months of November and December, Anna hopes to occasionally drop in at the gallery to chat with visitors who stop in to see her exhibit. “Everyone is welcome!” Anna said.