St Paul’s United Church serves up pancakes
By Joan Janzen
On Tuesday, February 21st, a crew at St. Paul’s United Church in Kindersley were busy flipping pancakes to serve all the people who came through their doors. The occasion was Shrove Tuesday, which takes place precisely 47 days, or six weeks before Easter Sunday.
Some refer to the day as ‘Pancake Day,’ but regardless of the name it’s given, it always takes place the day preceding the first day of Lent (Ash Wednesday). It’s celebrated in many Christian countries, taking place on a different date each year, depending on when Easter falls. Although the date changes, the menu remains the same - pancakes.
Some people in parts of England also celebrate by having pancake races. Participants race down the street carrying a frying pan with a cooked pancake, flipping it as they run. It’s an entertaining tradition derived from an entertaining story that may or may not be accurate. The story is told that a British woman was making pancakes and heard the church bells ring. Rather than be late, she brought her frying pan and pancake to church with her.
Fortunately, there was no need for the folks in Kindersley to bring their frying pan to the church on Shrove Tuesday because the pancakes and sausages were ready to be served and eaten.
Guests arriving at St. Paul’s United Church on Shrove Tuesday enjoyed a feast of pancakes prepared and served by willing volunteers.