Liebenthal hosts craft fair
Sunday, November 5th, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Liebenthal Community Hall, the Liebenthal Recreation Board held their second annual Christmas Craft Fair.
Lions Dog Guide Walk raises over $4000
The Lions Dog Guide Walk turned out to be a great success, thanks to the support of our sponsors and generous donors. Through their contributions, we were able to make a profit of $4275.
Performing with the Saskatchewan Honour Band
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Herner and Moira Padberg for performing with the Saskatchewan Honour Band. What a great musical experience!
Ready to watch a movie at Eston’s Winter Kickoff
Amara Oliphant and Jane Hartsook get ready to watch the Mighty Ducks movie at Eston’s Winter Kickoff event on October 27.
Sask published map goes to 2nd edition
“Less than a year on the market, and our first print run of 2,000 units is fully exhausted,” says Alex McPhee, Lead Cartographer at Prairie Heart Maps.
Book: The Gnomes of Boundary Bog
It was the gorgeous cover that captivated me first, but the gnomes quickly drew me into their magical world.
Donation to the Prairieland Community Center
A huge thank you to the Prairieland Players for their generous donation to the Prairieland Community Center. Thanks Virginia and Shawna for stopping in.
Eston artist to do on-site painting
A professional artist calls Eston, Saskatchewan her home. “I live in small town in Saskatchewan where I can see the horizon for miles,” said Christine Code.
Caleb’s Halloween party
The most surprising characters showed up at Caleb’s Halloween party Friday afternoon. Nevertheless they all were very friendly with one another…
Residents in Kindersley outdid themselves this year with some great decorations. Happy Halloween!
WRITE OUT LOUD: Author, Jennifer Wallace is November’s guest
Jennifer S. Wallace’s book, “Miss G and Me” (DriverWorks Inc 2021) is a daughter’s memoir. As many of us wish we’d done, but find it’s too late…
Pumpkin carving is fun!
The New Life Community youth group in Kindersley got together Friday night and carved up a whole lot of pumpkins.
IKids throws a party!
There was a party at IKids club in Kindersley on Friday night, and 52 kids came out to have some fun. There was plenty of activities for every kid.
Luseland students travel to Quebec
Twenty-four excited students from Luseland School set out on the YMCA exchange trip on October 10. The group of grade 10, 11 and 12 students travelled to Quebec…
Eston Community Handbells give back to the community
Pam Kosolofski and Pat Johnston of the Eston Community Handbells presented a number of donations to various groups and organizations.
Halloween party at Heritage Manor
The Kindersley Heritage Manor invited children and their parents to a Halloween party on Wednesday, October 25.
Book: The Economy of Sparrows
I’m considering what I enjoyed most about award-winning Regina writer, grassland conservationist, and naturalist Trevor Herriot’s first foray into fiction.
Kindersley Legion hopes to hit the bullseye with dart nights
The Kindersley Legion Branch 57 is again starting their Dart Nights every Thursday evening from October 19 until the end of March.
Paint a Pizza Night at IKids Club
It was Paint a Pizza Night at IKids Club in Kindersley Friday night, when every kid became an artistic chef.
Eatonia’s Murder Mystery event sold out in 10 days!
The Eatonia Library Board put on a party Saturday night! Attendees came decked out in Hawaiian shirts, flip flops, floral dresses, sun hats and grass skirts…