Plenty of Action!
A cool evening on Tuesday, May 17 didn’t stop players or spectators from enjoying themselves at a couple of ball games held in Dodsland and Plenty.
Our rural roots
Approximately 10 kms west of the Town of Eston is the former community of Snipe Lake. Not much remains, but if you head south on the grid road, you will find this cairn…
Moving Cattle
This photo was taken as riders Garry Wagner and Collin Greenwald were approaching the Heck Livestock Association, located in the RM of Clinworth.
Blackout BINGO!
On the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, the Wheatland Centre holds bingo. We had our very first pay out of $100.00 Bonanza Bingo winner.
Bacon Seeds!
Welcoming these new arrivals ... These piglets recently made their appearance on the farm near Flaxcombe, owned by Brian and Char Brown.
Richlea, Saskatchewan
My travels last week took me through the tiny hamlet of Richlea, which is located approximately 3 miles north of the #44 Hwy between Eston and Plato.
Elizabeth School students honour mothers
These Elizabeth Middle School students created their own Times magazine where they nominated their moms for Mom of the Year.
Caleb Mother’s Day Tea
The ladies at Caleb Village were honoured at a special Mother’s Day tea on Thursday afternoon, May 5th. The residents also invited guests to the tea, and everyone enjoyed a time of visiting, as well as birthday cake.
Eston Ramblers Rally Cap Baseball
Enjoy these photos of the next generation of great baseball players!
Baseball Buddies!
The Eston Ramblers Rally Cap team played their first game last week in Kyle. The boys had so much fun and look forward to a great season.
Coleville Happenings April 29
Rossville School Principal, Crystal Klassen accepts a donation from John Fiest of the Coleville Curling Club Lizard Lounge.
Happy Retirement, Jeanette!
Congratulations to Jeanette Martin on her retirement from Community Futures Meridian! Jeanette has been an integral part of CF for the last 30 years.
Donation to Eston Caring Hands
Myrna Hauta (right) representing the disbanded Kindersley branch of Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan, presents a donation of $1300 to Richie Nash (left), president of Eston Caring Hands.
Kinley’s Toy Drive!
Kinley’s 7th Annual Toy Drive was once again collecting toys for Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital. 9-year-old Kinley Hildebrandt had additional partners who came alongside to help with this worthwhile project.
Our Prairie Roots
About 6 miles west of Tramping Lake is a cairn which remembers the former Prairie Heights School. The plaque reads: Prairie Heights School District #1041…
Easter Parade & Birthday Celebrations
Caleb Village in Kindersley celebrated with an Easter Parade on Thursday afternoon. It was an extra special celebration for resident Lois Gilroy, who turned 90!
Easter attire
“Oh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter bonnet, and of the girl, I’m taking to the Easter Parade!”
Cupcake Kid!
The iKids Club in Kindersley enjoyed a good old fashioned Easter egg hunt, games and crafts on April 14. After the hunt, they were offered Easter cupcakes.
Crafting at Caleb Village
The residents at Caleb Village enjoyed a fun time of making Easter crafts on Tuesday afternoon, April 12th. Joining them were four members from the Better Together initiative…