Graduation for the little ones
By Joan Janzen
When you mention graduation day, most people associate the celebration with high school graduation. However there are many classes of kindergarten kids who are graduating and moving on to Grade 1. One of those graduation ceremonies took place at D’Arcy Elementary School on June 19th when two youngsters dawned their caps to receive their diploma.
The two graduates were Everett de Connick Smith and Hannauh Siemens. As is often the case in rural schools tucked away in farming communities, many of Hannauh’s relatives also attended D’Arcy School including her dad and grandpa. In fact there was one momentous year when there was a student by the name of Siemens in every grade.
Congratulations to all the Kindergarten grads who happily receive their diplomas.
Hannauh is one of two kindergarten graduates who received diplomas at D’Arcy Elementary School on June 19. PHOTO BY REBECCA SIEMENS