Acupuncture is for all ages

By Joan Janzen

In November of 2019, Staci Mysko began offering her services as a registered acupuncturist in Kindersley one day a week. Staci has a long list of credentials, including B. Ed., D. Ac., R. Ac., R. BIE., Dr. Ac., amounting to seven years of acquired education. “I started out with a different profession in mind and found acupuncture,” Staci said.

When in Kindersley, Staci (Enhanced Life) operates out of the Kindersley Chiropractic Office at 109 - 1st Avenue West. She also serves clients in Saskatoon and Rosetown.

Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system, which releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.

Staci explained what takes place when a client comes to see her. “Usually, we ask a lot of questions to find out why this is happening.

We’re able to analyze the situation and determine the root cause. From there, we pick what we might want to do.”

People come to see Staci for a wide variety of reasons. “I have seen almost everything. People come because of pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, digestive issues, hormonal problems, infertility, sports injuries, and allergies,” she said. “A wide, wide range of things.”

When asked how people respond to acupuncture treatments, Staci replied, “Most people feel really relaxed; a lot fall asleep. Kids are just able to rest and be still; they usually feel calm.” It’s not the response people expect when they initially hear the word acupuncture. “It’s really surprising,” she said.

Staci uses different treatments depending on a person’s age. Other treatments could include using a popular massage tool (Gua Sha) or a heated herb that is useful for treating arthritis and menstrual cramps.

During Staci’s past twenty years as an acupuncturist, she has treated people of all ages. “I had some babies the other day, working on allergies with milk, up to seniors. Basically the whole life span,” she noted. “One of the kids that comes to see me was having tons of hiccups. When she came we decided to add that into our treatment plan for the appointment. Next visit, she tells me no more hiccups!” Staci said she started working on her own children when they were toddlers.

The most common reasons people come to see Staci is because of pain, including headaches, knee pain or stomach pain. However, she does a lot of work with cases of anxiety and depression. “It’s really effective,” she said. “We look at the whole body; everything matters.”

She admits she has had people who have told her she is their last resort, and it is very rewarding to be able to help them. “It’s rewarding when people come back, hope has been restored, and they feel like they’re getting their life back. That’s very rewarding for me,” Staci said. “I really love what I do!”

Staci Mysko


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