Antique Seeding Demonstration

By Joan Janzen

On Monday, June 14, motorists driving by the Kindersley & District Plains Museum may have been surprised to see a team of four horses pulling a hoe drill around a nine-acre piece of land. Many stopped to take photos of the antique seeding demonstration, which was put on by volunteers from the Threshing Club in Kindersley. Initially, the seeding demonstration had been scheduled to take place on Saturday but had to be postponed until Monday.

The seeding started at 10:00 a.m. and continued until 4:00 p.m., as the well-trained team of horses was instrumental in getting the seed in the field. Later in the afternoon, an antique 930 tractor and discer were used to plant barley in a nearby 11-acre field. After the seeding was completed, Greg Becker from the Threshing Club did some harrowing with an old John Deere tractor.

A few spectators were present to watch the demonstration, but unfortunately, the club wasn’t permitted to have a crowd present due to the current health regulations. Nevertheless, volunteers at the Threshing Club continue to demonstrate because they are passionate about maintaining our heritage and educating people on historic farm practices.

A lot of work was done to prepare for the seeding demonstration. “It all takes time, but when you’re interested in something, it’s not time-consuming,” Greg Becker said. “Everything went well, except for the heat.” And it was windy and hot, with temperatures reaching 34 degrees Celsius. The hot, windy weather served as a reminder of how hard our forefathers worked to produce a crop.

Although the crop was late being planted, Greg said they could use the barley for feed even if it freezes. “We’ve been selling the grain and donating the proceeds to the Manor,” he explained. “For the last six years, we’ve purchased quite a bit of stuff for the Manor.” For example, proceeds from previous crops have been used to purchase an outdoor patio set, dividers, and furniture for the sunroom. The Threshing Club has also donated money to buy equipment for the ambulance.

“We’re giving back to the community,” Greg concluded.




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