APAS at work

APAS has had an incredibly busy summer, and that has carried over into the fall. The following points are some highlights of APAS activities over the past few months:

APAS met with Premier Scott Moe:

APAS Directors met with Premier Scott Moe at the Legislature on July 6 to discuss a variety of issues impacting Saskatchewan’s agriculture sector, including rail transportation, livestock concerns, and the province’s trade and export activities. A big thank you to Premier Moe and his office for the meeting.

APAS met with Agriculture Minister David Marit:

On August 24, members of the APAS Board Executive met with Saskatchewan’s Minister of Agriculture David Marit at the Legislature to discuss numerous issues, including the federal government’s fertilizer emissions reduction target, rail transportation disruptions, livestock producer concerns and Saskatchewan’s trade and export activities. A big thank you to Minister Marit and his staff for sitting down with APAS to discuss these important issues.

Dion McGrath joins APAS as new Executive Director:

APAS recently hired Dion McGrath as its new Executive Director. His first day in the office is Sept. 19. Dion has held numerous roles in the public sector, served as the CEO of Southeast College, and recently created a digital marketing company with his partner based in Regina called Above the Fold. We welcome Dion to our team and we’re looking forward to what he has to offer APAS.

Fertilizer emissions submission to the federal government:

APAS sent in a submission to the federal government highlighting our concerns over the proposed 30% fertilizer emissions reduction target. You can see five-page submission at apas.ca. As well, APAS was part of the SaskCrops fertilizer emissions submission.

APAS submission to ISED about spectrum licensing:

APAS made a submission to Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) on September 6 in response to their consultation on creating a framework for the licensing of spectrum in the 26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 38 GHz bands. While this may sound complicated, it’s part of the APAS Rural Connectivity Task Force’s recommendations to improve internet connectivity in rural Saskatchewan.

Federal Livestock Tax Deferral:

The federal government announced at the beginning of September that the Livestock Tax Deferral is available for parts of Saskatchewan, but not all of the province. Unfortunately, only the far west side of the province is currently eligible. APAS has requested the federal government to extend eligibility to other parts of the province as well.

Grain contracts report released:

APAS and the Saskatchewan Crop Commissions released a report on July 11 that identified issues producers have with grain contracts. APAS hired Mercantile Consulting to put together the report earlier this year. One of the key findings from it is that 54% of producers feel they are treated unfairly by their grain contracts.

Summer 2022 issue of Saskatchewan Farmers’ Voice:

The summer issue of Saskatchewan Farmers’ Voice should have been sent to farm mailboxes. An online version can be found by visiting apas.ca. The fall issue of Farmers’ Voice is scheduled to be sent out in late October.

APAS District Meetings will be held after harvest:

A round of APAS District Meetings will be held around the province after harvest has been completed. Dates, times and locations will be sent out to APAS Representatives, Group Members, and Associate Members once plans are finalized.


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