APAS re-elects President at 2021 AGM, passes resolution rejecting Grains Code of Practice

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) held its 2021 Annual General Meeting on March 30, 2021. Following the meeting, the APAS Board of Directors re-elected Todd Lewis, APAS Representative for RM of Lajord #128, as President for 2021.

Lewis farms at Gray, Saskatchewan with his family, and was first elected to the position at the end of 2016. Ian Boxall of Tisdale and Bill Prybylski of Willowbrook were re-elected as Vice Presidents.

APAS Representatives also elected six Directors to the APAS board for a two-year term. Those individuals are highlighted in bold.

District One
Wanda Reid RM of Golden West #95
Steven Donald RM of Martin #122

District Two
Todd Lewis RM of Lajord #128
Bev Pirio RM of Laurier #38

District Three
Don Connick RM of Carmichael #109
Devin Harlick RM of Piapot #110

District Four
Ian Boxall RM of Connaught #457
Bill Prybylski RM of Garry #245

District Five
Donavon Block RM of Leroy, #339
One position to be elected in April

District Six
Scott Owens RM of Eldon #471
Jeremy Welter RM of Mariposa #350

Six resolutions were considered and passed during the virtual Annual General Meeting (please see appendix for complete resolutions). Delegates approved a motion calling for the rejection of the Grains code of practice and adopted 43 recommendations developed by the APAS Rural Connectivity Task Force on internet and cell service.



Devin Harlick, RM of Piapot #110


Jeremy Welter, RM of Mariposa #350


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