Arts Council lines up concerts for the 2024-2025 season
By Joan Janzen
The Kindersley & District Arts Council has lined up some incredible talent for their upcoming 2024-2025 concert season. Melinda Sumner, President of the Arts Council, said fifteen dedicated members help make these events possible.
The upcoming concerts kick off on November 16 with Jeff Newman’s mentalism and magic act. First in line in 2025 is the musical duo Rumour Mill. This 4-piece band will be entertaining in town on February 12.
Cellist David Liam Roberts and pianist Godwin Friesen are scheduled to perform on March 11 the following month. More music will fill the Norman Ritchie Centre on May 1, when the Misery Mountain boys perform jazz, love songs, and swingin’ blues and relay lighthearted stories and laughs.
Melinda said that in addition to these four concerts, “There is a good chance that we will add additional concerts for upcoming seasons. The Saskatchewan Arts Councils organization hosts the ‘Show Case’ each October, and the board usually chooses performers for the following season.”
In the meantime, anyone is welcome to attend their upcoming annual meeting on Tuesday, October 8, at the Norman Ritchie Centre. New members are always welcome, and regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month, except during the summer months.