Bandits hockey club host successful event

By Joan Janzen

The Brock Bandits Hockey Club held a successful steak and shrimp supper on April 23 at the Brock Hall. Not only did the Bandits run the entire event, but they also did the cooking, serving 115 meals.

A silent auction and social followed the meal, with all proceeds going to the Brock Rink. Corbin St. John noted that $30,000 was cleared from the event, which will go towards the upkeep of an older ice plant and some new paint throughout the rink.

The success was made possible by the many businesses and individuals who donated silent auction items and gave donations. The community pitched in by helping out in the kitchen and bar, coming out to the supper, and bidding on the auction items.

The Brock Bandits are grateful for everyone who came out, helped out, and made this event possible.

Photo by Kate Winquist


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