Book: A Silly Willy Christmas

by Brenda Redman
Published by Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing
Review by Cindy Wilson

A Silly Willy Christmas is a children’s book written by Brenda Redman and illustrated by Wendi Nordell. Right from the beginning, the title of the book tells you it will be fun to read! The moment I saw the cover, with its bright, vibrant colours, and its little smiling faces, I knew I wanted to open the book and read what was inside.

The story is as happy and charming as its cover. A little girl, who Gramma calls Peanut, her baby sister called Muffin, and her Mom and Dad, arrive at Gramma and Papa’s house for Christmas. Gramma greets Peanut with “a million zillion kisses”.

When Peanut comments to Gramma on the “million zillion” boots in the closet, the many relatives filling up all the couches and chairs, the family members napping everywhere, enough food in the kitchen to feed all of Saskatchewan, and finally the “million zillion” Christmas stockings on the fireplace, Gramma always has an unexpected and innovative way to fix things. Every time Gramma tells Peanut of her solution to each of the problems caused by a “million zillion” of everything, Peanut laughs and laughs. Then Peanut responds, “Gramma, that is the most silly willy thing I have everrr heard”. And Gramma always replies, “Well, Peanut, this is going to be the most silly willy Christmas everrr!”.

The story closes with a startling bit of news about Santa’s visit that has a very happy ending.

A Silly Willy Christmas shows how wonderful a big family Christmas can be when filled with silliness and abundant love. For those who may never experience a Christmas as depicted in the book it is a beautiful idea to imagine, and it will bring back happy memories for those who have.

The story is inviting and will put a smile on the faces of all who read or hear it. Children will love repeating the phrases “million zillion” and “silly willy” just as much as Peanut does.

The illustrations are great, with lots of colour filling every page. They really help set the happy  tone of the story. The artist’s softly realistic depictions of the many relatives in the story brings the members of the family to life.

I would very definitely recommend this book. I think young children would love it.



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