Breast Cancer Awareness: Preserving Fertility

Women with breast cancer have options for preserving their fertility.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Check Yourself, Protect Yourself.

Breast cancer diagnosis can be a challenging time for women, especially when it comes to family planning. However, there are several fertility preservation options available. Here’s a look at four:

  1. Embryo freezing involves harvesting eggs fertilized with sperm and freezing them for later use through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although this method has a high success rate, it requires time and may delay cancer treatment.

  2. Egg freezing involves retrieving and freezing unfertilized eggs for future use, offering flexibility for single women or those without a partner.

  3. Ovarian tissue freezing is an experimental technique that involves removing and freezing ovarian tissue containing immature eggs before cancer treatment. Although the success rates vary, this method can be a viable option for some women.

  4. Hormone therapy suppresses ovarian function during chemotherapy to help protect fertility. However, its effectiveness is still debated.

It’s important to discuss your options with a reproductive specialist before initiating cancer treatment. Factors such as the stage of cancer, the treatment plan and your individual preferences should guide decision-making.


Breast Cancer Awareness: Genetic Testing


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