Chinook School Division Sports Report, May 1

By Valerie Gordon
SWAC Athletic Coordinator

Congratulations to our SWAC award recipients for 2021-2022. Presentations will be arranged at schools in June.

Male coach - Dale Perry (SCCHS)

Female coach - Mandi Tuplin (SCCHS)

Official - Ken Garinger (Volleyball Official/mentor)

Junior Service - Dondalee Deis (Fox Valley)

Senior Service - Trish Carleton (Ponteix)


Senior badminton districts were held on Saturday, April 30 in SC. We got through over 120 matches in just over 6 hours. It was a very busy day. Advancing to the Regional Championship in Moose Jaw on May 7 are:

Boys Singles: 1st Navi Signh (SC), 2nd Micheal Liu (SC)

Girls Singles: 1st Olivia Hudec (Fox Valley), 2nd Sharmaine Palaganas (Ponteix)

Boys Doubles 1st Harit and Hasit Desai (SC), 2nd Gauje Conkin/Chase Mendel (Leader)

Girls Doubles: 1st Sierra Ross/Daniela Palaganas (Ponteix), 2nd Natalie Cocks/Addison Banks (Leader)

Mixed Doubles: 1st Hailey Carlson/Connor Frohlich (SC), Karston Hellmann/Haley Anton (Fox Valley)

SWAC hosted our junior sectional badminton championships in 5 different schools on Saturday. The top 4 qualifiers from Whitemud and Cypress Hills sections and the top 2 qualifiers from Rolling Hills “A” and Rolling Hills “B” sections advance to the SWAC Championship in Shaunavon. Junior districts take place on Saturday, May 7.

The pool winners or top advancers from each section are:

Cypress Hills

Boys Singles: Nathan Wiseman (Hazlet), Brock Walkow (Maple Creek)

Girls Singles: Nevaya Hellman (Fox Valley), Sierra Frey (Maple Creek)

Boys Doubles: David Cocks/Karter Ries (Leader), Aston O’Neill/Carson Williams (Maple Creek)

Girls Doubles: Charity Noval/Amy Smith (Maple Creek), Bridget Hudec/Gabrielle Bosch (Fox Valley)

Mixed Doubles: Brayden Baumann/Senna Garvan (Hazlet), Aydan Buss/Savannah Frey (Maple Creek)

Rolling Hills

Boys Singles: “A” Ty Switzer (SC), Mitchell Friesen (SC), “B” Alexander Fraser (Wymark)

Girls Singles: “A” Aryn Thibault (SC), Mila Cairns (Waldeck), “B” Keira Tinant (Ponteix)

Boys Doubles: Shane Cormelson/Brady Simpson (SC), Darcy Wiebe/Maverick Friensen (Wymark)

Girls Doubles: Lila Atem/Haley Kirwin (Gull Lake), Melody Schwartz/Hannah Wiebe (Hodgeville)

Mixed Doubles: James Atkinson/Kelsey Exner (Herbert), Chase Riley/Marlee Sebo (Wymark)


Boys Singles: Justin Pearson (Eastend), Beau Barton (Eastend)

Girls Singles: Payton Carleton (Frontier), Kassie Gryde (Frontier)

Boys Doubles: Jordan Leismeister/Gavin Johnson (Consul), Kegan Richards/Keithan Smith (Shaunavon)

Girls Doubles: Larissa Babiak/Naomi Nelson (Frontier), Brooklyn Palmer/Kali Nelson (Frontier)

Mixed Doubles: John Lavina/Jennifer Middleton (Frontier), Shiloh Derdall/Korban Johnson (Consul

Track and Field

All our qualifying track and field meets will be held in Swift Current. Blue Sectional meet is Tuesday, May 17 and White section meet is Wednesday, May 18.

SWAC district meet will be on Wednesday, May 25.

SHSAA provincial championship (gr 9-12) is Friday and Saturday, June 3/4 in Regina.

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