Crossroads Beef Expo Pen & Youth Show Winners

View a few photos of the Crossroads Beef Expo and see the list of winners.

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Pen show Winners - February 18

Yearling Bulls

  • 1st place - Camden Cattle Co.

  • 2nd place - Desertland Cattle Co.

2 year-old Bulls

  • 1st place - Snake Valley Farms

  • 2nd place - Desertland Cattle Co.

Purebred Heifers

  • 1st place - Desertland Cattle Co. (Haylee Wagstaff)

  • 2nd place - Camden Cattle Co.

Commercial Heifers

  • 1st place - Niwa Ranching Ltd. 2nd - Clarbyrn Farms Ltd.

People’s Choice Pen Show Winners

  • Yearling Bulls - Wildflower Angus 2 year-old Bulls - Desertland Cattle Co.

  • Purebred Heifers - Camden Cattle Co.

  • Commercial Heifers - Ray Penner

Youth Show Winners - February 19

  • Grand Champion Steer - London Matthews

  • Reserve Champion - Keagan Jacobson

  • 3rd place - Salem Saucier

  • Grand Champion Heifer - Dakota Noble

  • Reserve Champion - Shae Noble

  • 3rd place - Ethan Yaremko

Showmanship winners


  • 1st place Myra Murray

  • 2nd place Gracy Hadwin


  • 1st place: Jess Murray

  • 2nd place: Ethan Yaremko


  • 1st place: Keagan Jacobson 2nd place: Hannah Wagstaff


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