Decades of dance at Kerrobert

This photo from the local Kerrobert history book pictures the first annual dance recital of Sieben’s School of Dance in 1999. Let’s see if you can recognize any of these instructors and dance students?

Instructor Kara-Lee Sieben. Back Row (l-r): Melissa Huckabay, Candice Molnar, Allison Spichko, Tracey Flahr, Bev Hoskins, Kendra Flahr, Melanie Zerr, Jennifer Flahr, Florence Tish. Third Row (l-r): Malory Wright, Hannah Neumeier, Chantell Simpson, Kyle Garagan, April Ekencrantz, Shyla Charteris, Michaela Bichel, Whitney Anderson, Drew Heidi. Second Row (l-r): Janelle Heiland, Paige Knorr, Amie Haas, Brittany Neumeier, Jaycee Hebron, Cori Halter, Janelle Neumeier, Janna Chotowetz, Meghan Heidt. Front Row (l-r): Alana Zerr, Danielle Schreiber, Brenae Riendeau, Maurie-Anne Pitura, Kassy Ostrowski, Shae Kissick, Brooke Thiessen, Nicola Miller, Savanah Schlosser, Bobbi Alberts.

Photo from Echoes From the Tower - Kerrobert history book


Expanded Protections for Landowners


Kindersley RCMP: Kerrobert woman charged with fraud exceeding $100K