Eatonia Huskies beat out by Greyhounds in White Mud final

By Jordan Parker

The Eatonia Huskies lost the White Mud Hockey League final to the Gull Lake Greyhounds, despite flourishing all season.

The team was swept three games to none in the series, as the formidable Greyhounds dominated for most of the series. Eatonia was beaten 5-2 in the final game in Gull Lake.

“It was a tough series for us. We knew it was going to be though. They have a great team, and they came to play,” said Eatonia coach Ryan Adams. “They were just the better team, when it comes down to it.”

Despite the losses – two of which were respective 10-1 and 10-2 blowouts – Adams and the team are happy at what they accomplished this year.

“We played well, they just got it done. We battled and they came out on top,” said Adams, who has been in awe of his team this year.

“We were happy with our year. I’m actually just really proud of the guys. The biggest thing is that we’re happy with our effort.”

He said the Greyhounds quickly became difficult to defend against, and are a team whose physicality is a threat.

“They have big, strong guys on their squad. So do we, and we came to play every shift. But it was a big match-up, especially given it was our first year in the league,” he said. 

“Both teams just kept pushing at the end of the day, and the Greyhounds beat us.”

Given it was their first taste of the White Mud league, Adams is happy to see how the team adapted to adversity.

“We had an amazing season for our first year in the league, and we learned from every game. We didn’t even know what the teams would be like,” he said.

“There are some huge takeaways for us from the year and our final series, and they will make next year even better.”

Despite a heartbreaking loss in in the finals, Adams said they told the team to be proud of everything they’ve managed.

“To be in the finals after having no idea what to expect is amazing. The community was always behind us, and the way the players bought in and became a team so quickly was astounding,” he said. “We just remained happy all year, and helped in the community on-and-off the ice.”

He hasn’t had too many concrete conversations, but does believe the all-local Eatonia Huskies players will mostly be back next year.

“We’re hoping it’s most of the same guys. It’s too early to tell exactly what can come, but everyone seems interested in coming back,” he said.

“To feel what it was like in that dressing room was awesome. Everyone was so tight, and I hope we can repeat that feeling next year.”


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