Eatonia’s beach volleyball is a double hit

By Joan Janzen

Summertime is always better with a game of volleyball in the sand. Beach volleyball is proving to be a double hit in Eatonia, which is why the sport is being enjoyed for the second year in a row. The Eatonia Beach Volleyball Committee has been working hard making plans, and are seeing the sport growing. Eleven teams have registered this year, compared to eight in 2022.

Each team gets to play two games weekly, with games scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for eight weeks. The fun kicked off on June 13 beside the rink in Centennial Park. Even though the temperature outside was soaring, the players hit the hot sand and gave it their best shot.


Morgan Follensbee, committee chairperson, and seven committee members organized the league. “We got sand hauled in last year, and funds raised go towards the fence we had built,” she explained. Once the fence has been paid off, funds will go back toward the community. Each team of four plus two subs paid a $200 registration fee.

The players consist of a wide range of ages, from 15 years and up. “There’s a farm team with employees, which is kind of fun. And a daughter and dad playing together,” Morgan said.

Some of the teams include experienced players, while others haven’t played a lot of volleyball. “It’s time to get out and have fun,” Morgan said. “That’s the purpose of it. We usually have a tournament, but it was cancelled for the time being. We may reschedule one for August, depending if harvest is early or not.”

Anyone who doesn’t play volleyball is welcome to bring a lawn chair, bug spray and a cold drink and cheer on the squad. “We have some very loyal fans who come every single week to watch,” Morgan said. “It’s a great time!”

Teams enjoyed playing beach volleyball at Eatonia on Tuesday evening, June 13, beside the rink in Centennial Park.


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