Elrose Health Care Auxiliary hold socially distanced meeting
BY Betty Mae Leavins,
Due to COVID restrictions, the Elrose Health Care Auxiliary has not been able to meet for many months.
Because we want to continue purchasing items for the residents of our Health Centre that are needed for their health, comfort and well-being, we held an impromptu socially distanced meeting on October 29, 2020.
We discussed the fact that because of Covid, we have not been able to hold our annual fundraisers. Items are still needed by the residence/facility that are not covered or available through the healthcare budget.
An example of some of the purchases we have made would include the overhead lifts and motors we have supplied for some of the rooms, enabling the resident to stay in the place they are accustomed to as their mobility needs change. We have not been able to outfit every room, but we are working on helping with that.
We have also helped with the gazebo project that was made good use for outside family visits during the pandemic. There have been many, many items over the years too numerous to list, but that range from large, expensive items - equipment, TVs, musical items, to comfort items - towel and blanket warmers, bed comforter, to smaller but necessary things like sheepskin skincare items.
Although the list is long, there are always new things needed that often cannot wait for government funding.
With the need still there, we decided we would go ahead with our annual Christmas Basket Raffle. We have decided to change it up a bit as we realize more people are looking for fewer knickknacks.
Therefore it was decided to have gift certificates to local businesses with a few Christmas items in the basket.
We have been grateful for Memorial funds left to the Auxiliary, to be used as needed and directed by the health centre staff. These funds have helped with many larger purchases.
We thank the community and the resident’s families for their support over the years and hope, for all of us, that we will be able to continue volunteering with functions and activities at the Health Centre in the not too distant future.
For now, we will do our best, with your help, to remember our seniors’ contribution to our community and provide items needed for their comfort and well-being.
Photo courtesy www.elrose.ca