Ernie Krepps awarded medal for volunteerism

By Joan Janzen

Volunteers play a vitally important role in our communities, but not many receive a medal of recognition. However, Ernie Krepps is an exception, as he was recently awarded a Sovereign Volunteer’s Medal at the Kindersley Legion’s special recognition night on March 26.

The Sovereign medal for volunteers is awarded, on behalf of the federal government, in recognition of the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country, in a wide range of fields. It pays tribute to the dedication and commitment of volunteers, who embody the caring country we aspire to build. Ernie received both a medal and a framed certificate.

“I was quite surprised to get the award, and I was trying to find out who had put all the work in for me. You have to apply to the Governor General’s office,” he explained. Before long, he discovered that his friend, Dave Burke had nominated him for the award.

“Without Ernie, this branch would have never kept going; he has been the backbone,” Dave explained, adding that Ernie had worked tirelessly for that medal.

Ernie has held numerous positions at the Legion during his lifetime membership. “They like me!” Ernie chuckled. His fellow Legion members like and appreciate his willingness to step into whatever role that needs to be filled. He’s been President, secretary-treasurer, service officer, war officer, treasurer, poppy chair, sergeant major, and padre.

When I came to Kindersley in 1996, they were short of a padre, so I filled in for a while,” he explained. Ernie enjoyed a lengthy military career, which extended from 1960 until his retirement in 1992. His last position before retiring was in Manitoba, after which he moved to Kindersley.

“In the military you don’t have much time to volunteer,” he said. However, while he was stationed in Alsask, he joined the Legion and began helping with activities. Today, Ernie still holds the position of treasurer for the Kindersley branch.

The Kindersley Legion Branch 57 has 65 members, but they could always use more. “Our members are from British Columbia to Prince Edward Island, and others have left but still give their monies to our Legion Branch,” Ernie said. Anyone who is a Canadian citizen is welcome to become a member of the Legion.

PHOTO: Ernie Krepps holds the Sovereign Medal. Photo by Joan Janzen


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