Eston celebrates Canada Day in style

By Verna Thompson

Eston's museum grounds were overflowing for the Prairie West Historical Society's annual Canada Day celebration.

Residents of the town and area, including many visitors from away, took advantage of the day's sunshine to visit the museum grounds, and enjoy the food, the car show, and tours of the museum buildings while greeting friends old and new.

Many people brought lawn chairs and spent the day visiting and enjoying the music of the local Thompson and friends band.

The day started early in the morning as the more than 70 vehicles participating in the Dusty Wheels car show began to pull in. Executive member Rob Swyryda of Eston organized the day's show and said cars and owners came from "everywhere" across the province. There

were local area entries from Eston, Plato, Elrose and Madison and vehicles from as far away as Grenfell and Lloydminster.

He said that car owners often travel long distances to shows such as this - he regularly goes to shows in such locations as Weyburn and Lloydminster - because they enjoy hanging out with like-minded people, meeting new people and seeing different vehicles.

Asked how long it would take to customize a vehicle such as those on show, he said some are done in a matter of months, while one on display, a truck belonging to Ken Coulter of Elrose, took ten years to complete.

Money raised during the day from donations and a 50-50 draw, outside of that going to the winner, would go to the museum and the local fire department, he said.

The car show was a very popular attraction, as was the fire/rescue truck from the Eston and District Fire Department. Adults and children enjoyed having a close-up look at the truck and a chance to talk to fire chief Richard Baran and department members.

There can be no celebration without food, and no one minded the long lineups for the noon-hour beef on a bun and the afternoon cake and ice cream served by museum volunteers.

It was a fine day with sunshine and, unusual for Saskatchewan, no wind.


Eston resident Bill Etter with his 1923 Ford T-Bucket.

Madison’s Jim Code had a 1926 Ford Model T on display at Eston’s Canada Day car show.

Prairie West Historical board member, Lee Harbicht, looked after the raffle of two hand made items, a quilt and a floor mat.

R.M. of Snipe Lake Reeve, Bill Owens reminded those attending Canada Day at the local museum how lucky we are to live in Saskatchewan. Owens is at right with band member Wes Peterson, home from Kelowna for the event, at left.

Food is always an attraction at the museum’s Canada Day event and this year was no exception as people lined up for the beef-on-a-bun lunch served by Tina Bertram (right) and a host of volunteers.

Car show organizer and Dusty Wheels Car Club executive member, Rob Swyryda with his 1970 Chef Chevelle SS Clone.

Line up for the beef-on-a-bun lunch.

One of the three large cakes served at the Eston museum’s Canada Day event.

Pam Kosolofski and Sandy Sutherland serving Canada Day cake; behind them is Donna Sutherland one of the ice cream servers.

Artist at work - Eston artist, Christine Code was on hand to do a plain air painting of the local landscape. A lot of people stopped to watch the artist at work and ask about her technique.

Members of the Eston and District fire department were on hand with their fire/rescue truck which attracted a lot of attention from children and adults alike. Shown with the truck are (l-r): fireman Ross Villain, fire chief Richard Baran and fireman J.D. Bernard.

Eston’s newest citizens, newly arrived from Ukraine were on hand for their first Canada Day! The Bozeman family - Anna, Vasyl and their son Dmytro.


Robbery at Wakaw Pharmacy


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