Eston College campus to continue in ministry role

By Joan Janzen

There’s good news for the community of Eston! While everyone is sad to see Eston College transition to their new campus in Regina this fall, Eston residents will be delighted to hear a new ministry will be moving into their vacated premises.

Eston College was excited to announce they had agreed to sell the campus to Village of Hope for one dollar! This will enable the Eston campus to continue in a “ministry role.

Village of Hope is a drug and alcohol regeneration facility based out of New Brunswick. They offer a ten-month Christian-based program dedicated to helping men and women aged 18 years and older overcome life-controlling drug and alcohol addictions. The program, which is funded by donations, also offers its graduates the opportunity to help others in the field of addictions.

Elwin Hermanson, Chair of Eston College’s Board of Directors, explained the process which led to the decision to sell the campus to Village of Hope. He said for several years, the Eston College campus experienced enrolments far less than its 200-person capacity. It became apparent to faculty and the Board of Directors that the cost to maintain a campus of this size could drag the school down financially. Therefore careful stewardship choices were required.

With prayer and a discernment process, the Board sensed that an invitation to share space offered by the Regina Apostolic Church was the right way to go. Eston College will recommence classes there this fall.

He said Village of Hope has had a connection to the College and Eston Full Gospel Church. Upon hearing the campus was for sale, they expressed interest in the facilities, which would be suitable for setting up another addictions recovery centre.

Elwin said, to see the Eston campus continue in a “ministry role,” the Board agreed to sell the campus to Village of Hope for one dollar. The subsequent response from both the Eston Full Gospel Church and the community has been very positive.

Village of Hope will take possession of their newly acquired property in August. Shelley McLeod, who is part of Village of Hope’s administration, said they are excited about this new opportunity. They are currently making plans and will be holding a town meeting in Eston in June.

Eston College held its combined class reunion and graduation on the last weekend of April. It was also an opportunity to say goodbye to Eston, the campus and its rich heritage. So many people invested so much time, love and prayer into Eston College, and now they look forward to what lies ahead as the college moves to Regina.

But their farewell will be much easier now that Village of Hope will continue a ministry role in Eston.


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