Eston Communities in Bloom is hard at work

By Joan Janzen

It has been an unusual year for gardeners and the Communities In Bloom group in Eston is meeting the challenges of cold temperatures, snow, frost, wind and rain. Val Mohan of Communities In Bloom said, unfortunately, right now the group seems to be doing a lot of covering and uncovering of plants. Always looking on the positive side of things, they noted the snow just added another dimension to the beauty of their tulips.

“We got spring off to a good start and managed to get all of our beds cleaned up and planters prepped before the unexpected snow storm,” she said. They did, however, manage to get a small start on the planting, completing several of the large barrels. All the hanging barrels were also planted and put on display, and managed to survive the wind and frost.

Now the group is waiting for warmer weather, so they can plant the remainder of their planters and beds in the next few days.

In the meantime, the group has purchased new banners for Main Street, which will be on display in the next little while. “In addition, we budgeted for, and replaced just over half of the banner hardware for hanging them,” Val said.

This year the group has only been meeting and planning online, with the exception of get togethers for outside cleanup. Nevertheless, they acquired three new members this year and continue to welcome new members at any time.


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