Eston Healthcare workers hold information picket
By Barbara Cape
SEIU-West President
SEIU-West members in Eston kicked off the provincial election on Tuesday with an information picket in front of the Eston healthcare facility. They were raising awareness in their community about the state of healthcare and the conditions of care as a campaign related to healthcare bargaining for a new collective agreement.
The community of Eston and surrounding areas know how valuable healthcare is in rural Saskatchewan. And they support their healthcare workers and want them to have a fair agreement because the conditions of our work are the conditions of care.
The cost of living crisis, constant short staffing and overtime, and the struggle to not only recruit new workers but retain the professionals we currently have on staff are creating conditions where people can’t afford to work in healthcare anymore. They are moving to other jobs or retiring, and this is impacting our ability to continue to provide quality professional healthcare in our province-but specifically in rural and remote Saskatchewan.
We represent professionals who work as Licensed Practical Nurses, Continuing Care Assistants, Environmental and Dietary services, maintenance and trades, and administration staff at the Eston facility.