Eston Red Hat Group enjoys camaraderie

By Joan Janzen

The Red Hatter group from Eston enjoyed attending the opening tea at the Eston museum on Saturday, June 4th. The group initially consisted of twelve members when it was formed back in 2006. Now there are eight members remaining, who have become much like sisters throughout the years.

Verna Thompson, who is part of the group, explained they get together once a month from April to December, with each member taking a turn being the hostess for the month. Whoever is the hostess in December hands out cards designating the month in which each woman will plan the activity.

“We travel around,” Verna explained. “We have been to a lot of tea houses, have gone to Alberta and rode the train, or go to Saskatoon for lunch for a get away. We have little adventures every month.” The group has enjoyed their monthly travels throughout the area.

Red Hatters is an international organization with chapters in 31 countries. In this area, the nearest chapters are located in Swift Current and Regina. The group has no membership fee; all they need is a red hat and a purple shirt. Verna said there were many outlets selling red hats when they started in 2006, but not anymore.

Nevertheless, the ladies enjoy participating in their adventures while wearing their purple shirts and dawning their red hats. This tradition originated from a poem by Jenny Joseph entitled ‘Warning.’ A portion of the poem says, “When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, with a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me.”

Most importantly, the Eston Red Hatters enjoy friendship and camaraderie, making their life richer.

Photos by Kate Winquist

Left side: Pat Johnston, Eloise Brewer, Doreen Reborn, Verna Thompson. Right Side: Madeline Shatilla, Jean Minchin, Ona Lonnberg, Edna Williams. At the end of the table - Sandra Sinclair, tea guest of the group


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