Eston says goodbye to United Church Minister

By Adrienne Mason

St. Andrew’s United Church in Eston has been blessed with Barb MacNaughton as a Minister and friend. Barb and her husband Jim, who also ministered in Elrose and Kyle, have decided to move back to their home province of Nova Scotia to be closer to family. They will both be dearly missed by many in the community of Eston.

On April 3, a parade of over 50 vehicles was led by the Eston Legion Colour Party (which Jim himself is a member), and the church congregation along other town residents waved good-bye as a heartfelt thank-you to Barb and Jim for their many years of service to the Eston community.

A beautiful painting of the church building was commissioned by local artist Christine Code as a farewell present to Barb.

A search committee is currently in the process of looking for a new Minister, and the church manse is getting a new flooring installed and a new coat of paint in anticipation.

A note from Barb and Jim to their congregation and friends:

It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that I write this note to you. Sadness to be leaving all of you while at the same time joy to see my family again and watch my grands grow up. I haven’t the words to say how much we appreciate all that you have given us by way of cards and gifts. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you. You have all made our life here so amazing and our trip home much easier. We will be keeping our email addresses, so stay in touch. Know that each one of you has been a blessing in our lives and we give thanks for you. God be with each one of you.

Love Barb and Jim.

Barb MacNaughton

Here’s to Barb, she has been a wonderful friend,
There was nothing of hers that she would not lend,
She can quilt, sew, crochet and knit,
If something was off , she could make it fit.
She got a knitting group going and it has been good ,
We give prayer shawls to people just like we should,
We make blankets and snugglies for tiny babies
And fancy knit hats for cancer ladies.
She led Bible studies where we learned a lot,
Understanding like that just can’t be bought ,
She had book studies and videos
to broaden our minds,
Knowledge like that is very hard to find.
We have had her here for eleven years,
Now when she is leaving it brings us all tears ,
She was much more than a minister to each of us ,
Nothing she did was ever a fuss.
She could fix your computer, your iPad or phone,
It didn’t matter I if she was busy or all alone.
She always made time for you and I,
So it is very hard to say Good Bye!
Good luck and best wishes
we will miss you so much,
Now Nova Scotia is waiting for your wisdom
and such.

Lovingly written by Shari Gardiner


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