Fox Valley School fundraiser is a success

By Joan Janzen

The Fox Valley School’s SRC held an online auction from November 22 to December 10th of 2021, to raise funds to replace the old piano in their school. The online auction was an alternative idea to replace previous traditional fundraising ideas. Neighbours, family and friends were invited to add items to the list of auction items any time during the auction period.

People stepped up to the plate and donations began to pour in. There was everything from pizza from Shevy’s in Burstall, quilts, school cookbooks, jewelry, Fox Valley school shirts, perogies and cabbage rolls, bags, auto safety kit, baking, hoodies, jackets, Epsom salts and soap, a Medicine Hat Lodge package and even a jar of pickled eggs! Parents challenged other parents and grandparents to get creative with monetary donations.

Creative donation items included heritage books from the communities of Richmound, Golden Prairie, Burstall and Fox Valley, and that’s not all. Yearbooks were donated from back in the day, from 1968 all the way to 2019 with almost every year available. Anyone who was a student during those years can expect all those old photos to be posted on social media in the near future!

As the auction deadline approached and passed by, the SRC realized it had been a huge success. They raised a total of $3,723.00, exceeding their expectations. The school will be using the funds in the new year, and will keep everyone posted as to purchases made.


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