Girls Gone Gazelle Leader Chapter 2022 graduation celebration

By Mallory Cawthra

The Leader Girls Gone Gazelle (GGG) Run/Confidence Club Program capped off their eight-week commitment with a graduation celebration on June 25th. Graduation day was the apex of all of the hard work the 39 female athletes devoted to the program over the course of eight weeks, including Friday weekly meets, optional Pop-Up meets, and training on their own time; race day provided the Gazelles with an opportunity to showcase their dedication, capability and strength in front of family, friends, coaches and peers. The program was sponsored by Sole Sisters Women’s Race Series and included weekly draw prizes and graduation day prizes donated by many generous individuals and businesses from Saskatchewan and other provinces. The exciting bonus was Head Coach and Founder Stacy Chesnutt flying in from Nova Scotia to be a part of the Graduation Celebration weekend.

The races got underway at 9:30 a.m. at the Leader Composite School track, with the 5-kilometre event starting about 30 seconds ahead of the 3-kilometre event. The 3-kilometre event was comprised of athletes in grades one and two, while the 5-kilometre event was comprised of athletes from grade three up to twelve years of age. The courses were marked by ten locally sponsored course markers that included inspirational affirmations such as “I am strong” and “I am a runner.” There was also a beautiful 4x6 sponsored banner displayed at the track, which read” “Girls gone Gazelle Saskatchewan Chapter 2022.”

All of the athletes could be seen crushing their events while donning their pink GGG t-shirts and tutus. Coach Laura Henderson said, “It is an absolute blessing to have this opportunity to coach alongside my amazing coach team. The support of sponsors was beyond anything I could have imagined. Having Head Coach and Founder Stacy Chesnutt fly in from Nova Scotia to be here for the athlete’s big day was truly the icing on the cake. I look forward to the 2023 Season already. These female athletes learned that they can do hard things.”

After the race events and the announcements of final prizes, the Gazelle athletes celebrated all of their hard work and dedication with a pancake breakfast and sausages, sponsored by Scott’s Fine Foods and Neil’s Septic Service, followed by an hour of swimming at the Leader Swimming Pool. The GGG Run/Confidence Club Program could not have been the success that it was without the support of the many sponsors, coaches, parents, volunteers on race day, and Head Coach and Founder Stacy Chesnutt.

PHOTOS BY MALLORY CAWTHRA (click for larger images)


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