God is reaching out to you

Christmas can be a truly blessed time, and yet, for some, a very stressful time. We need to continually be reminded of the message the angels proclaimed to all mankind that first Christmas:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:14). This was not an announcement of an end of hostilities among men. History has proven that can’t be what the angels were proclaiming. Instead, this was the proclamation that the war between God and man was over.

That’s not often been understood. Many people still think God is mad at them. That’s not so. He’s not mad, and He’s not even in a bad mood. Jesus, through His birth, death, burial and resurrection, satisfied God’s wrath completely.

Christmas is not about us reaching up, but about God reaching down to mankind. God is a good God. He only asks that we believe on His Son and receive Him into our hearts so that we can have true inner peace in a stressful world.

God’s Gospel of peace, proclaimed at Christ’s birth, is all about God’s unconditional love and mercy. It’s focusing on the good news of God’s love, and not the bad news of our failures or shortcomings. That’s the Gospel of peace that the angels were singing about - the inner peace that comes from the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

That is the Christmas message, and that is our message too. We pray peace will be your gift this Christmas and your blessing the whole year through.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Dana and Marge Bailey
Kindersley Christian Fellowship


Message from Clearview Community Church


Eston Community Carol Festival