Government mandates School Divisions to establish change room policies

Last Thursday, the Government of Saskatchewan announced a requirement for all school divisions to create, implement, and publicly share a policy regarding change room usage that ensures the privacy, dignity, and comfort of every student.

The Ministry of Education has been collaborating with school divisions to prioritize the safety and privacy of students throughout the province. School divisions play a vital role in formulating and executing administrative procedures—formal policy documents that guide staff in handling matters related to student safety and privacy.

"We are committed to safeguarding the privacy, dignity, and comfort of all students," stated Education Minister Everett Hindley. "It is essential for parents and guardians to be informed about the measures being put in place to promote the comfort and safety of all students. Feedback from consultations indicated that school divisions are best positioned to make these decisions at the local level."

The government expects that school divisions will engage with parents, guardians, and students during the development and implementation of these administrative procedures. By June 30, 2025, all divisions are required to have their policies accessible on their websites and effectively communicated to staff, parents, students, and the public, promoting transparency throughout Saskatchewan.

Boards of Education operate under the understanding that, as elected representatives, they must remain responsive and attuned to the needs of their communities. The government will continue to oversee this process to ensure respect for local input and community concerns.


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