Grade 12 student enjoys summer go at Museum

Joan Janzen

KINDERSLEY - A group of kids were pumped about getting together at the Kindersley Plains Museum on Thursday, July 29 for some fun at the day camp the museum was hosting. Staff member Shelby Rublee and the other staff were available to help make it a fun experience for all the kids.

Shelby started working at the museum in late May and will be going into Grade 12 at Kindersley Composite School in September. She enjoyed helping out with the day camp, which included crafts, games, soccer, outdoor bowling, and the kids got to create their own sundae.

“Overall, it’s a fun day for the kids and for us girls at the museum, too,” Shelby said. Not only did Shelby enjoy helping out with the day camp, but she has enjoyed working at the museum and learning more about Kindersley’s history.

“I really didn’t know much about Kindersley’s history, but I got offered this job, and as time goes by, I learned a lot,” she said. “You meet lots of people, and I love everybody I work with.” Shelby also appreciates the daily social interaction with visitors who come to the museum.

Shelby Rublee enjoyed working at the day camp held at the Kindersley Plains Museum. Photo by Joan Janzen


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