Grade 4 students learn about nature at the walking trail

By Joan Janzen

It was a beautiful warm, sunny day for a walk, and the Grade 4 students from Westberry Elementary School, along with their teachers, took advantage of the opportunity on Tuesday afternoon, October 8th. Three classes of students, totalling eighty-one students meandered down the walking trail as they headed towards The Beach.

Sheldon Sarada’s Grade 4 class headed down the walking trail on their way to The Beach last Tuesday afternoon. They learned all kinds of interesting information about wildlife and nature along the way. PHOTO BY JOAN JANZEN

Along the way their teachers Amelia Oostenbrink, Sheldon Sarada and Rod Maki organized a scavenger hunt for their students. They also collected sticks which would later be made into a spider web back at the classroom.

There were plenty of additional teaching moments as the kids continued on their walk. They were made aware of the different types of trees growing around the area. There was lots of conversation about the different ways animals show that they’ve been present, one of which were the different animal tracks that were visible on the trail.

A representative from the Wildlife Federation did a presentation on the web of life, explaining how everything they see is connected. And two representatives from the Town of Kindersley shared how the beach area was made while being careful to preserve nature. This included not removing any of the existing habitat, but instead moving it around in order to preserve the wildlife and species that are there.

As the students boarded the bus and headed back to their respective classrooms, it was obvious they had enjoyed their outdoor learning experience.


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