Great Plains College attains NSERC and SSHRC status

Great Plains College has achieved full Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant eligibility status. This means that the college has been approved by the federal government to pursue grants for applied research.

“One of our interests at Great Plains College is applied research,” explained president and CEO David Keast. “We recognize the vital importance of research - the new knowledge and applications that it creates, the insightful and skilled human resources that are required and developed, the opportunity for student involvement with the research process, as well as the importance of peer review. This status ensures that funded applied research will meet the highest standards of excellence.”

The achievement of grant eligibility status came with a rigorous application process and proof of compliance requirements. It will allow access to significant funding resources and partnership eligibility with other post-secondary institutions and organizations. “We are new to this endeavor but already have one partnership project that may lead to applications for funding within SSHRC.” said Keast.

In partnership with Dr. Conor Barker, assistant professor with St. Francis Xavier University, a research study is currently taking place at Great Plains College with students who have experienced academic trauma in K-12. The study is exploring the factors that could support students as they return to school as adults. The results of this study will aim to improve services, supports and outcomes for adult students as well as inform inclusive education content in teacher education programs. The college is collaborating with Dr. Barker to seek grant funding to build on this initial work through further research.

“This is a big step for a smaller rural college and we look forward to seeing other developments on the applied research front emerge,” said Keast. Great Plains College is one of two regional colleges in Saskatchewan with NSERC and SSHRC status.


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