Growing Through Grief: Between Worlds at Christmas

By Angela Clement

This time of year can be really exciting and joyful and it can also be a really difficult time for so many that are perhaps not feeling the spirit of Christmas so much. It is challenging to say the least when you are hurting and everyone else around you seems to be so joyful. We start to feel like we are alone. We are left out of the magic of Christmas and the inspiration that comes with being excited and hopeful about the future. 

When we are missing someone, time seems to stand still. We just want to go back. We have such fond memories of the past and we yearn to revisit those moments of delight and excitement. Why wouldn’t we want to go there? That is where we feel close to our loved ones. Yet we are not in the past. We can’t go back. What are we to do with all of this emotion that continues to consume us? It is like we are stuck here in this place of despair and it causes us to become depressed. We lose hope.

If we try to glimpse into the future it just feels so overwhelming and in some ways impossible to imagine. The future is unknown. Even if we thought we could step into future goals and aspirations, it seems pointless when we don’t have our loved ones beside us. The future seems so far away and quite frankly, we would just rather not go there. It is just too painful to think about. How can anything ever be okay again? 

So here we are in between worlds. We cannot go back and we have no desire to move forward. What can we do in this space? How can we overcome these feelings and emotions that overwhelm us this time of year?  I have found that the only thing to do is to take this time to slow down and reconnect with yourself and your own wisdom that is within you. We remove ourselves from the hustle and bustle for a time. We give ourselves a little retreat. We say no to things we don’t want to do. We start looking after ourselves in the best way possible. We practise all the things we know will help us like eating properly, getting rest, getting out in nature and for us here in the winter and cold maybe we connect with those house plants! We need to prioritize doing things to help us emotionally, physically and spiritually.  We talk to a trusted friend or coach. We find creative ways to allow all the emotions to come out of us so we can heal and be free again. We do this not because we feel like it, but because we want to feel better. We want to heal and feel joyful again.

Please know that you are not alone if you are the person in between worlds and needing to retreat this time of year. It is okay. By looking after yourself now in whatever small way you can, you are setting yourself up to find positive ways to move forward in the future. This time of difficulty can and will pass. It takes a little time, patience and some healing work. Embrace it now and allow the grieving process to transform you in positive ways you do not know yet are possible. Christmas will come and go. Enjoy what you can and over everything else continue to focus on what you need to feel better. If you need help, reach out. Support is all around you. Sending so much love, Angela


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