Growing Through Grief: The Healing Process

By Angela Clement

One morning, not long ago, I was getting up out of bed and I guess I moved the wrong way because I felt my back go and the pain was immediate. I quickly did all the things I know to relieve it but alas, I realized that it was here and nothing I was doing was going to change that moment in time and what had happened. It was on its own timeline and trajectory now. Best I could do was try to support the healing process.

I had plans to host a support group meeting that morning and then head out to my camping place in the park. I became so uncomfortable that I could not sit for too long or stand for too long so I ended up canceling my meeting. I hobbled out to the park as I figured some time in the trees couldn’t hurt but I was unable to do a whole lot without discomfort.

It was Saturday. No practitioner would be available to see me. I had to rely on myself. I also had to surrender to the fact that this might clear up in three days, three weeks or three months. There was no real way to know for sure but it was obvious plans had changed.

I think about grief and the major changes that we have to go through after the loss of a close loved one. We have no idea how and when we will ever feel better. It’s not something we get to control. We can tend to our bodies and our emotions and we can do all the things but in the end, we just have to trust that everything will be okay in time if we just look after ourselves. We have to trust and allow the healing process.

I had to be okay with some discomfort, knowing that pain and inflammation is normal and this is the natural mechanism in place to help me feel better. Grief too is the natural process for healing. We must allow all the emotional upheaval as a normal part of the process. The emotion is  there for our healing.

To help my back I applied some ice packs, heat, gentle stretches, and some medications. With grief I found journalling, telling my story, seeing a coach and allowing myself to feel into the emotions really helped. We just need to really focus on what can help us feel better. We need to listen to our bodies and what they are saying to us.

Facing life’s challenges is something we all have to go through. It is easy to get frustrated when things don’t move along as we think they should. Taking the time to listen to what our hearts need and want in each moment becomes key. Ask yourself, what can I do today or in this moment that can help me feel better? Meditate on it. Listen. Healing happens moment by moment.

It can be quite exhausting to be in the space of discomfort. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to rest and relax. Know that healing can and will happen. Our bodies are amazing and know exactly what we need to do to heal. Do what you can to help it along while you trust and allow the process to occur. Check out my website to sign up for my newsletter, find links to my podcasts, angel readings, and more to help you along you healing journey.


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