Introducing Mallory Cawthra

By Joan Janzen

Your West Central Voice is pleased to have Mallory Cawthra as a local contributor, covering events. Although Mallory grew up in Victoria, B.C., she has successfully adjusted to small-town prairie life.

After earning a degree in sociology at the University of Victoria, Mallory decided what to do next. “I was in reserve policing, deciding what I wanted to do in my career path. I applied to a bunch of different police agencies and was hired by the RCMP,” she explained. From there, she went to Regina for training.

Her first posting was in Manitoba, then La Ronge, both of which were a bit of a culture shock after living in Victoria. Desiring a change, she applied to the Edmonton police service and worked there for just over a year.

“I decided to change my career and was looking for something else,” she said. Mallory had always been interested in writing, loved to read and was curious about people. She is currently contemplating taking journalism and says she may go to university in the fall.

She moved to Leader in August of 2019 with her significant other. When she heard about Your West Central Voice, she thought it would be an excellent opportunity to gain some writing experience and get out in the community. She’s eager to write about people and events in the area.

Although living in a small town is a different lifestyle experience for Mallory, she enjoys going to different parks in Saskatchewan, exploring new places, and being outdoors. “I like fitness and am starting to get back into running,” she said.

We look forward to reading her future contributions to Your West Central Voice.


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