KCS showcases their talent

By Joan Janzen

The Kindersley Composite School Interact Club presented a Variety Night at KCS, Thursday evening, May 12th. They were standing with Ukraine, donating funds from the event to the nation whose hearts are broken, but whose souls are unbreakable.

Performers, organizers and volunteers poured their heart into the event, and it showed in the performances. Local businesses also contributed awesome prizes for the raffle, and the audience enjoyed tasty cupcakes and refreshments during the intermission.

It was definitely a ‘variety night’, as the entertainment ranged from vocals, instrumentals, percussion group, jazz band, adult and student dancers, tap dance, choral group and student bands. From start to finish, it was obvious that all the participants thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and the audience appreciated the privilege of being able to see their talents shine.

Thanks, everyone, for not only providing excellent entertainment, but doing it for a worthwhile cause.

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