KDAC’s first concert of the year

By Joan Janzen

The Kindersley & District Arts Council is excited to host a live performance on March 2, 2022, at the Norman Ritchie Community Centre. After a long absence of performances, it is fitting that singer/songwriter Martin Kerr is the first performer on the Arts Council's schedule. Kerr was initially scheduled to perform in November of 2021 but will finally be making his appearance in Kindersley.

This entertainer is not only talented, but determined. After his touring and festival plans were cancelled in 2020, he spent his time launching 'Stay at Home Street Concerts' in Edmonton. Kerr could be found on a different city block every day, where residents could enjoy his music from their balconies, driveways, and front lawns. His inspirational and upbeat song "You're Amazing" delivered a healthy dose of encouragement and good cheer to his listeners. It also earned radio play across Canada, the UK and the Netherlands.

This folk artist explores other genres of music, including hip-hop, soul and funk. In his album "Grateful," he collaborated with three other artists to entertain and bring hope to his listeners during a dark time.

Born in Oakham, England, Kerr's parents enjoyed taking the family on road trips around Europe. He began writing songs at a young age and playing guitar and piano. Given his family background, it wasn't surprising that he soon traded academia for a travelling lifestyle. This included backpacking in China, recording a couple of kids' albums and accepting a scholarship at a university in the US. A long-distance relationship with his future wife from Edmonton led to his move to that city.

This singing artist pursued his career in a unique fashion. He discovered bookings in clubs were earning him little monetary gain, and even his participation in Canadian Idol didn't reap the results he was hoping for. Not to be deterred, Kerr picked up his busker amp and performed on city streets and at outdoor markets, where he said he made more money in the first hour than he had in three months on Canadian Idol. His busking ventures garnered his listeners' invitations to house and staff parties.

Soon, Kerr was playing 150 shows a year, not only entertaining his audiences but also engaging with them. He connected with a friend who helped promote Kerr on social media, which led to invitations to various folk fests, and an invitation to open for Sarah McLachlan.

While many entertainers tour throughout Canada, Kerr said his decision not to tour was the secret to his lengthy and successful career in the music business. He didn't think it was necessary to travel thousands of kilometres to other cities and smaller audiences when thousands of people loved his music right in his adopted hometown of Edmonton. This enables him to spend more time with his wife and three children while being part of his community.

The Kindersley audience is sure to enjoy the entertainment of Martin Kerr, who is proficient at connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds.


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