Keilan’s wish comes true, thanks to Foundation

By Joan Janzen

Nothing makes a mom happier than seeing her child’s wish come true. So Alisha Venturato was excited to hear that her 14-year-old son Keilan will have his wish granted by the Make a Wish Foundation. Keilan was also chosen as the poster child of the year for the Make a Wish Foundation.

“It’s pretty cool that he got chosen, and he is the poster child for the Make a Wish Foundation,” Alisha said. “His wish should have been granted last year, but due to Covid, there isn’t any travel.”

Keilan spent the first six years of his life in Oyen and now lives in Medicine Hat with his Mom, Stepdad and family. Keilan’s dad, Quinten Tye, lives at New Brigden for part of the year and spends the remainder in Medicine Hat. New Brigden is located 40 km north of Oyen.

At the age of seven, Keilan began having seizures and was diagnosed with Hippel Lindau Syndrome. This is a genetic disease causing non-cancerous tumours to grow in his adrenal glands, eyes and brain.

His mom explained that he has been taking multiple medications four times a day for a year because he needed to have his adrenal glands removed to get rid of the tumours growing there. He also has blurry, spotty vision because of tumours in and around his eyes, which glasses can’t correct. Instead, he needs laser eye surgery every three months to prevent these tumours from growing any further.

“He goes for his MRI at the end of April and has another laser eye surgery soon. He goes for a follow-up on May 10 with a neurosurgeon to find out where we’re at for surgery for the brain tumour,” Alisha explained. “He’s doing OK. He’s trying to keep positive.”

Remaining positive must be challenging for an active, athletic teen like Keilan, who plays on his local Bantam U15 hockey team, and loves camping, fishing and hunting. Because of his treatment, he missed out on school and an entire season of hockey.

“He has such a positive attitude. He’s never put up a fuss. If something medical needs to be done, it gets done without complaint,” his mom said.

April Stallings from the Make a Wish Foundation explained how Keilan was chosen as the poster child for the Wish Foundation for 2021. “A lot of our supporters are from southern Alberta, and those supporters like to see the impact made closest to home. So we focused on Keilan, as he and his family were willing to share their story. Families help us get the word out about what we do.”

The Make a Wish Foundation interviewed Keilan’s mom, Alisha, in an effort to condense his story, share it and let people know what their donations are supporting.

As for granting a wish, April explained that a family member or medical professional could refer a child. “Some critical illnesses are automatic to get a wish. Any that are not automatic are passed on to a medical advisory committee of experts for approval,” she said. “Keilan’s syndrome is not super common, so he did qualify. He has up to three years to decide and make his wish. But he’s a fishing kid, so we’re betting it will have something to do with that. When Keilan is ready, we’ll be ready, and the funding will be ready,” April said.

Of course, his wish will be granted when it is safe to do so. In the meantime, the foundation sent him a welcome package with all kinds of fun stuff in it.

Funds raised from events held in the area go towards granting local wishes, like Keilan’s. One of the events that will help generate funds to go towards Keilan’s wish will occur in September 2021 at the Historic Reesor Ranch, located near Cypress Hills Provincial Park. The event is the 10th Anniversary Cypress Hills Wish Ride, where riders pay a pledge to go on a 2 km or 4 km trail ride. Numerous local sponsors also support the event. The motto of the event is “Ride a trail ... Grant a Wish”.

Jody Olsen is a long-time friend of Keilan’s mom. Both Jody and her daughter participated in the event for the first time last year. At that time, the event raised $37,000 with 120 riders participating. She enjoyed it so much that she plans to do it again this year, especially now that she knows her friend’s son Keilan will be benefiting from the fundraiser.

“I don’t know if a lot of people know about the ride, but I’d like to do it every year. This year it’s going to a boy we know, and it’s a great cause. They have a silent auction and sell raffle tickets for a smoker, which Peavey Mart donated,” Jody explained. “People can contact me with donations and pledges, and I will take them when I go on the ride. I want to collect as much money as I can to support the cause.” Jody’s address is Box 97, Cereal, AB S0J 0N0. Cheques can be post dated for Sept. 11, 2021. You can Facebook message or call or text her at 403-664-1640.

Photo supplied.


Alisha Venturato, Keilan Venturato and Quinten Tye


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