Kerrobert & District Agriculture Society Show & Sale

Kerrobert & District Agriculture Society 78th Annual Regional Show & Sale Results.

Judging Cards- 1st Place winners

  • Junior – Tucker Toner , Ridpath Club

  • Intermediate – Katie Kolenosky, United Club

  • Senior – Taylor Ducherer, Unity Club

The Kerrobert & District Agriculture Society 78th Annual Regional Show & Sale was held on June 4 & 5 with 56 members from 8 Clubs participating. C2it Photography - Chandra Archdekin

Team Grooming – 1st Place winners

  • Junior 1st split – Handel Club

  • Junior 2nd Split – United Club

  • Intermediate 1st Split – United Club

  • Intermediate 2nd Split – United Club

  • Senior – Kerrobert Club

Record Books – 1st Place Winners

  • Junior – Evelyn Custer – United Club

  • Intermediate – Madison Ley – Kerrobert Club

  • Senior – Claire Patton – Bea Bank Club

Heifer Classes

  • All Angus – 1st – Edie Toner – Handel Club

  • Charolais – 1st – Christopher Bomok – United Club

  • All Other Breeds – 1st Split – Katie Kolenosky – United Club

  • All Other Breeds – 2nd split – Gage Mckenzie – Kerrobert Club

  • Best Group of 4 Heifers – Handel Club

  • Best Pair of Heifers – United Club

Grand Champion Heifer

  • Katie Kolenosky – United Club

Reserve Champion Heifer

  • Christopher Bomok – United Club

2 Year Old Cow / Calf

  • Grand Champion – Casey Toner – Handel Club

  • Reserve Champion – Christopher Bomok – United Club

3 Year Old Cow / Calf

  • Grand Champion – Davin Dehr – United Club

  • Reserve Champion – Madison Ley – Kerrobert

SUPREME Champion Female

  • Katie Kolenosky – United

Showmanship Classes 1st Place Winners

  • Senior – Cody Mckenzie – Kerrobert Club

  • Intermediate – Split #1 – Casey Toner – Handel Club

  • Intermediate – Split #2 – Katie Kolenosky – United Club

  • Intermediate – Split #3 – Chloe Dehr – United Club

  • Junior – Split #1 – Lilly McLeod – Handel Club

  • Junior – Split #2 – Edie Toner – Handel Club

Grand Aggregate

  • Casey Toner – Handel Club

Market Beef Classes – Winners in each weight class

  • Class #1: Ryley Mckenzie – Kerrobert Club, Gil Pitura – Unity Club

  • Class #2: Katie Kolenosky – United Club, Edie Toner – Handel Club

  • Class #3: Avery Cairns – Bea Bank Club, Colton Heather – Handel Club

  • Class #4: Casey Toner – Handel Club, Tucker Toner – Ridpath Club

  • Class #5: Boone Blanchette – Kerrobert Club, Jase Kolenosky – United Club

  • Class #6: Morgan Fyson – United Club, Christopher Bomok – United Club

Best Group of 5 market Animals

  • Handel Club

Best Group of 3 market Animals

  • Major Club

Best Pair of Market Animals

  • Split #1 – United Club

  • Split #2 - United Club

Grand Champion Steer

  • Morgan Fyson – United Club

Reserve Champion Steer

  • Christopher Bomok – United Club

*We had 56 Members from 8 clubs participating.

*45 Steers entered in the Steer Sale with an Average of $4.56/lb

*81 head of cattle in the Ag Building for the Show.

50/50 winner of $5505 was Lorna McDonald

$500 Visa Gift Card Wilfred McLeod


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