Kerrobert has so much to be thankful for

By Bobbi Hebron
Kerrobert Recreation Director

I hope this write up finds you content and happy from a weekend of thanksgiving and celebrating at the Harvest Festival. Thank you to everyone who got involved with this event and we hope that it provided organizations a way to raise some much needed funds and businesses and organizations an opportunity to celebrate with the community and promote their services and goods. Special thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for their work organizing the parade.

Photo by Kate Winquist

The Curling Club has exciting projects on the go and we look forward to sharing those photos on Facebook once the ice is in. Prior to curling starting, the Double Take Out Lounge will be open. The Lounge counts on volunteers to operate and we are looking for more people to get involved. If you are interested, please call the Rec office at 834-2344 and you can be part of this important fundraising venture.

The Tigers were back on the ice this weekend. They have two exhibition games booked and seven regular season games to entertain us. The Tigers are also looking for volunteers to help them at the door and selling 50/50’s. Find out more information about contacting them on their Facebook page. The Tiger organization has asked that their local games be blacked out so if you are searching for them on Live Barn, you will not find them there.

I love the beginning of each new season of sports and hockey in particular as it gives me the opportunity to meet and work closely with great new minor hockey managers. These people work hard behind the scenes to ensure the kids can play some great hockey and parents stay notified of their busy season. This year, with many of our local playing on girls teams, AA teams and carded teams, the pot of teams and managers coming to Kerrobert has again expanded. I welcome them all and hope they enjoy working with our Kerrobert team and feel welcome at our arena throughout the season.

Kerrobert Town Council is working to ensure their staff of 6 regular employees are trained to work in all areas including public works, water operations and recreation. We also have new seasonal staff working with our team for the season in the Memorial arena. That means you will see some new faces in the arena this year. Watch for those introductions. Staff training continues on and off site and the recent Ice Maintenance Course in Rosetown gave our staff some great new ideas.

The Kerrobert Legion will once again be hosting the Remembrance Day Service on Nov. 11 in the Kerrobert Kinsmen/Legion hall. They are always looking for new members to get involved. Contact the Rec office if you are interested in helping with this year’s service of Remembrance.

The Courthouse Restoration Society is again hosting a Town Christmas Party at the PCC on Dec. 2. They will provide us with great food and entertainment and a special evening out with family, friends and coworkers. More information will be coming out soon, as ticket sales open in October and last year they went fast!

The Christmas Cantata is happening this year for the first time since 2019. Consider joining their group of community singers from Kerrobert, Luseland and Denzil. They will be meeting Monday evenings starting Oct. 3 in Luseland. For more information, call the Rec office and we will put you in touch with the great people involved.

Today, the day prior to Thanksgiving weekend, many cheerful people took the time to stop by the Town office to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving or share some positive words about the upcoming weekend. Serving our community is an honor and although the thank you’s are not needed, they are so very much appreciated and make a great day even better. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!


There’s gonna be a party!


Pop 89: Don’t Mess With Them