Kerrobert Kinette Club is back in action!

By Joan Janzen

The Kinette Club of Kerrobert is back in action, thanks to a group of ambitious ladies who got together on Wednesday evening, March 8th at the Kinsmen Hall. To prevent any confusion with the existing Kinsmen Club of Kerrobert, they will be marketed as a Kinette Club.

Club member, Dakota Price, said they are currently in the process of getting chartered. “After our most recent meeting, we will have 18 members registered in the club,” she said. 

Their invitation extended to the public resulted in several new members attending the meeting, and wanting to get involved.

The executive of the club is made up of a group of talented women. President is Kerri Tetzlaff; Vice President - Monika Knorr; Treasurer - Stefanie Olesen; Secretary - Meredith Mack; Risk Management - Brie Grimard; Registrar and Marketing - Hayden Murphy.

“At our first initial gathering, we ended up having pages of ideas of things to bring to the community,” Dakota said. As a result, at their most recent meeting, they worked on setting up committees which will enable the club to begin planning upcoming events. They also finalized all the steps necessary to become chartered.

“We are currently starting to plan our first event, a Cinco de Mayo themed party on May 5th,” Dakota said. The members of the club are excited and can’t wait to get started!

“We intend on working with the Kinsmen Club to put on a few larger events throughout the year, and every few months there will be events that are targeted towards specific groups in the community. This will include activities for moms and babies, families and women.”

The Kerrobert club’s primary goal is to provide events to the community that allow everyone to get involved - women, children and families. “We want to provide a space for women to come together and create a place that is inclusive and welcoming,” Dakota explained.

The ladies want to give back to the community and host events that are fun for everyone, and bring everybody together. They’re hoping to have something for everyone to enjoy in the months and years to come.

Although they’re pleased to have 18 members join the club, anyone is more than welcome to attend their regular meetings, held every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Kinsmen Hall. Anyone who is not able to fully commit, is welcome to help volunteer at an event.


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