Kerrobert’s K-40’s and K-ettes celebrate 40 years

On April 25, 1981, the Kerrobert Kinsmen formed the K-40 and K-ette clubs. The following is a little bit of information about who and what a K-40 (for men) or K-ettes (for women) clubs are.

We were auxiliary clubs of the Kinsmen Club. The Kinsmen clubs were, up until a few years ago, a young service club, ages 21 to 40 years old. When a member reached 40, they became a K-40 or K-ette, which meant they were still active members of the Kinsmen Club with restricted privileges.

When a K-40 or K-ette club is formed, a member must transfer to that club upon reaching the age of 40. In the Kerrobert Kinsmen bylaws, a member could remain within the Kinsmen club for one year as a K-ette or K-40 and then transition to their club.

With the age change within the Kinsmen association, the K-40 and K-ette clubs have become redundant, but we have carried on as a club.

We are blessed to have four Life members within our club, namely Merv Norris and Jim Armstrong, who have held a membership for 69 years. That’s dedication!

Being members of a service club prepares, encourages and guides us to become active and involved in our community through serving on boards, councils or committees.

Fellowship through service to our community has rewarded us with friendships that have lasted a lifetime. This has been an important and rewarding part of our lives.

We have a very special group of members. Our extraordinary friendship has kept us together for all these years.

Submitted by Rhinehart Burgardt, President of K-40 Club.


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