KINDERSLEY ALLIANCE CHURCH: Where is your Joy found?
As we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season of Christmas, it can be overwhelming with all the things that need to get checked off our checklist. Where we need to be, what we need to bring, what we need to buy. We run from one place to the next and the joy of Christmas slowly fades into the background. It’s easy to lose the focus of the season.
2000 years ago an angel appeared to some shepherds and proclaimed, “I bring you good news of GREAT JOY which will be for all people; today in the city of David there has been born FOR YOU a Savior, who is Christ the LORD.”
If you feel that the joy of Christmas is slowly slipping away from you maybe take a lesson from the shepherds and run to Jesus. “They came in a hurry and found their way to Mary, Joseph and the baby.” After they had met the baby, they went away full of Joy. Jesus is the only one who can give you true, lasting Joy.
May you have a joy filled Christmas as you celebrate this year.
Merry Christmas from the Kindersley Alliance Church