Kindersley & District Plains Museum holds AGM

The annual meeting of the Kindersley & District Plains Museum was held on November 9, 2021. Present were: Vaughn Bieberdorf (Treasurer), Hugh McLean (RM of Kindersley), Alfred Knutson, Clarence Janzen, Brad Wiebe, Greg Becker, Warren Schafer (Town of Kindersley), Jeff Graham (RM of Oakdale), Lionel Story (RM of Kindersley), Norm Wiggins, Gordon Dunn (Buildings & Grounds), Natalie Sullivan (RM of Milton), Anna Polsfut (Secretary/Town of Kindersley), Glen Sitter (Vice-Chairperson), Bill Warrington (Chairperson/RM of Antelope Park).

Chairperson, Bill called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Minutes of the November 10, 2020, meeting were handed out and discussed. The AGM should have been on November 2, 2021, according to the minutes. June Nargang, President of the Senior’s Club, was present as a guest and presented a donation of $1000.00 as the Senior’s Club is dissolving. The Senior’s Club started in 1920/1930 and lasted until 2019. The first centre was an old school building that was brought into town. It

The new building was built by B-Line. was in the area where Lifetime Dental’s parking lot would be now. The Senior’s Club hopes to donate some items to the Museum for display.

Treasurer, Vaughn presented the financial statements. This year, the members are excited about the Museum of Lights drive-thru event; some staples were bought for the lights committee to use.

It has been a successful year, and many capital projects have been completed. Power lines have been added underground in the backyard. Appreciation was extended to those who have been working hard painting equipment and to everyone for all their hard work throughout the year. It was mentioned that the Museum needs something to attract attention and generate people’s interest in coming to the Museum.

It’s been a bit of a slower year; not many events have been hosted. We had over 2000 visitors throughout the year We should consider charging a fee for admission rather than by donation for summer tourists who want to walk through the Museum.

Although the Museum was unable to display items at the mall due to changes, the Museum had over ten pieces of equipment and tractors in the Goose Festival parade this year.

The repairs to the sewer earlier this year and the electrical work were all donated by the companies who were doing the work; $17,000.00 done on sewer was all donated. The $5000.00 of work done on the electrical was also all donated. Thanks to the donors. A donation was made through the town to us so they would be able to receive tax receipts.

Gordon presented the Building and Grounds report. The tractor we purchased has been very handy. There are a few buildings that need some repairs as well as the overhead door on the shop.

A small International tractor and compressor were donated for use. We haven’t received reports on the Versatile or the combine that are here on whether they have been donated or on-lend; investigation needed.

Hoses were run to the trees for watering this summer, which the girls who come to water were happy about. Kosha weed has been bad and hard to get rid of.

In New Business, a motion was made that the executive be the same as last year. Executive will continue to include: Bill Warrington – Chairperson, Glen Sitter – Vice-Chairperson, Anna Polsfut – Secretary, Vaughn Bieberdorf – Treasurer.

A suggestion was made to add another 25 feet to the main museum building, and new windows are needed in the Elliot Finley Shop. We may need to do some campaigning for funding to do some repairs.

Bill adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:25 p.m.


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