Kindersley Plains Museum holds AGM

The Kindersley & District Plains Museum held their annual general meeting on November 8, 2022. Treasurer, Vaughn Bieberdorf, said the museum had a great year. Donations increased and the museum had more visitors and events throughout the year. He reported a net income of $28,404.00.

Chairperson, Bill Warrington reported over 3500 people from other countries and provinces, had visited the museum throughout the tourism season. Everyone was impressed by the size of the collection and machinery.

The museum displayed their tractors in Eatonia for their Centennial celebration, and at Coleville for their Centennial. The next event is the Christmas Museum of Lights.

Vice-chairperson Glen Sitter, reported the upstairs clothing display is open, so people can view the clothing, train and collection of Clarion papers. The museum held a fashion show this summer, displaying more than 70 pieces of clothing.

This summer, the museum hosted the Spinning Wheels fundraiser for Parkinsons Disease, raising funds for the organization. Local schools brought approximately 260 kids into the museum for tours and other programs. And of course the museum displayed their tractors in the Goose Festival Parade, as well as having the threshing club demonstration.

Gordon Dunn, who is charge of building and grounds, said the museum received a small stagecoach, which they refurbished and displayed in the Goose Festival parade. They received 38 drill presses from Bill Pinchin, which are displayed in the Frank Schmidt building.

They also received a Model T, which is in the process of being restored. The museum will receive a donation for the old, rusty machinery that was sent to salvage. Gary Hamilton and Gordon Dunn helped with this project.

The museum looks forward to another year of visitors coming through their doors. Thanks to the work of many dedicated volunteers, for making Kindersley’s museum an interesting place for tourists to visit.


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