Kindersley Players back on stage in 2023

By Joan Janzen

The Kindersley Players are excited to be back on stage as they rehearse for their upcoming performance in 2023. It’s been four years since they hosted their last dinner theatre in 2019, so they’re expecting their audience to be as excited as they are for the performances, which are scheduled for May 5, 6, 12 and 13, 2023, at the Norman Ritchie Centre.

The play “The Foursome” by Norm Foster will be directed by Kindersley’s very capable Judy Lavoie. “I had more male actors, so I looked at a play we had done more than twenty years ago that I had really liked,” Judy explained.

The cast of “The Foursome”, including Vaughn Biberdorf,, Rick Miller, Bob Watson and Randy Graham have already begun practicing for their upcoming performances in 2023. PHOTO SUBMITTED

The four Kindersley actors in the play are Rick Miller, Randy Graham, Vaughn Biberdorf, and Bob Watson. In the play, four men are home for their college reunion, a great time to go out for a game of golf and catch up on each other’s lives. Unlike their college days, the conversation doesn’t include talk of beer and final exams but of colonoscopies, home-security systems, alcoholism, Buddhism, and more.

Judy explained that it’s the same story, but this version has been written for older guys who are attending their 25th-year reunion instead of their 15th-year reunion. The play is staged on a golf course, where a family man, a con artist, a millionaire, and a TV ad salesman, discover their lives have taken them in very different directions. Meanwhile, the audience can rest at ease because no real golf balls will be used.

The Kindersley Players have ordered a new projector, which will be utilized for the first time in 2023. “We’re buying a projector that’s specifically for live theatres; we’re excited about that!” Judy said. “The play will be done with screens; it will be more high-tech than before.”

The all-male cast has already begun practicing once a week. Judy noted that having only four participants makes it more challenging for the actors, who have a lot more lines to remember.

Advance tickets are available at the Kindersley Mall on December 17th. After that date, tickets can be purchased at LaBelle Boutique. The caterer has already been booked, and the cast and crew are excited about performing “The Foursome” in 2023!


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