Kindersley Town Council Highlights

Town Council held a Special Public Meeting on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The following agenda items were resolved.

3.1: The Council of the Town of Kindersley resolved to direct the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into an Agreement with SaskPower and SaskTel for an easement right-of-way on U3 Plan 82S40083, W5 Plan 85S25778, and W6 Plan 85S25778.

3.2: Town Council resolved to direct the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to enter into an Agreement with SaskPower and SaskTel for an easement right-of-way on MR 10 Plan 64S14939, and MR 1 Plan G697 Ext. 2.

4.1: Council approved three readings of Bylaw 07-21, Being a Bylaw to Establish Mill Rate Factors.

4.2: The Council of the Town of Kindersley approved three readings of Bylaw 08-21, Being a Bylaw to Establish Property Tax Penalty.


Battleford RCMP respond to 543 calls for service last week


Cool dudes!